Tertio est un groupe de Jazz-rock originaire de Montréal qui se distingue par une démarche musicale singulière, à la croisée du Jazz moderne, des rythmes urbains et de l'énergie du rock. Dès leur arrivée en 2015, ils ont conquis le public et les amateurs de Jazz par l'originalité et le lyrisme de leurs compositions. Tertio s'est produit sur plusieurs scènes du Québec et de l'Ontario, incluant un passage remarqué au Festival International de Jazz de Montréal. Leur deuxième album " La mince ligne" est sorti sous l'étiquette Multiple Chord Music en Octobre 2019
Tertio is Jazz-Rock band from Montreal with a unique sound of its own, a cross between modern Jazz, urban rhythms and the raw energy of rock. Since their debut in 2015, they have surprised the public and Jazz enthusiasts in particular with their compositional singularity and lyricism. Throughout the years, Tertio has performed on many different stages in Quebec and Ontario, including a vibrant appearance to the Montreal International Jazz Festival. Their second album "La mince ligne" was released on Multiple Chord Music in October 2019.
La mince ligne est le deuxième album du groupe montréalais Tertio. Fidèle à ses racines Jazz-Rock, le groupe explore ici des sonorités plus moderne et s’aventure même dans des envolées country-folk tout en conservant son lyrisme habituel. Ce deuxième album confirme Tertio comme étant une formation prometteuse de la scène Jazz canadienne, tout en mettant de l’avant les qualités des improvisateurs hors-pairs qui composent le groupe.
“La mince ligne” (The thin line) is the second album of Montreal’s based quintet Tertio. As much loyal to its jazz-jock roots, the band expands its musical territories, sometimes in the modern jazz idioma, and even in a country-folk composition, without losing its own musical identity and lyricism. This second album confirms Tertio as one of Canada’s most promising band, by featuring the abilities of its wonderful musicians, composer and improvisers.
Vidéo documentaire réalisée par les étudiant·e·s du cours FRAN 265 — Global French Connection, à propos de la recherche francophone à UVic et des organismes communautaires francophones de la Colombie-Britannique.
Reportage sur Tertio et son leader Vincent Duhaime Perreault 2020
Quand le Jazz est là, Stanley Péan
ICI musique, Radio-Canada
4 Décembre 2019
FIJM Montréal, 2016
Critique de l'album "La mince ligne" par le podcast La paire d'écouteurs.
Tertio LIVE en 2016, Casa del Popolo, Montreal
"Avec son jazz à la fois éloquent, lyrique et bien pensé, Tertio compte assurément au nombre des découvertes jazz à partager."
"With its eloquent, lyrical and well-though-out jazz, Tertio is a revelation to be shared."
"Tertio(...) what a great discovery it turned out to be, (...)absolutely refreshing and pleasing to listen to!"
"...the album’s nine compositions ... are of a consistently high and engaging standard"
"Guitarist Vincent Duhaime-Perreault drops a solo in the opener More with less that will have six-string fans drooling."
"This savvy chemistry is everything but academic stands somewhere in between funk (..) and complex rhythms of the late Weather report."
"VDP mène cette fine équipe, non pas à la baguette mais d'une main de maître".
"The musicianship is timeless and exhilarating and each member brings their own unique and special qualities to the mix, creating cohesive and well structured layers of sound that are soaring and visionary(..)In a word, exquisite!"
The team sounds a lot like vintage Police on the driving “More With Less” and the funky La Truffe”
"The music is sometimes windy, but never at the expense of the narrative quality, essence and poetry. Some numbers are even pearls, for example; the quiet ballad, Hollow."
"Their music is an individual and intense mix of influences ranging from Weather Report to Miles Davis it is funky and melodic and played by a very tight band. Marvellous!"
Wulf Mueller, Spain
"This is big city jazz, modern in its angular formation like carefully drawn architectural lines but still with the gritty underbelly. It is chill but also fast paced and warm but “cool”, La Mince Ligne (the thin line) is the balance between relaxation and the hustle."
"Tertio's leader is giving us an impressive series of compositions which showcases the progression of his writing as well as the cohesion in the sound of the band".